Drawing Tips | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

- Tip -

The gesture of humans

The gesture of people | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

In the previous Drawing tip, we looked at the gesture in some animals and in a tree.  Now, let’s look at humans and see where the study of gesture takes us!

The center line runs down the center of the body.

Intersecting lines on a human are shoulders and hips.

The gesture of people | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

Drop in some circles, and the figure should start to emerge with a fair amount of action in it.

The gesture of people | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

Even a standing figure has a gesture. When the body is at rest, it isn’t a straight line. Weight gets distributed comfortably.

The gesture of people | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

Of course, if you want to see dynamic action in your drawing, look for angles and motion!

The gesture of people | The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories

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The Story Elves - Help with writing, editing, illustrating and designing your own stories